Regional leader in prosthetic care

We provide advanced prosthetic solutions, helping individuals overcome their challenges by applying the latest technology in careful consideration of individual needs.

Clinical Excellence

Established in 1995 by our President, Jeff Arnette, CPO, our passionate clinical team has solved the most complex cases. We offer the care amputees need to excel in every area of life, even when past experiences have made success seem unattainable.

Meeting Individual Goals

Our passion is to provide prosthetic designs and solutions that enable you to return to your lifestyle. We seek to take your individual goals, activities, even dress style, and craft a solution that helps you return to your previous way of life.

Advanced Technology

New technologies in prosthetic care are developing rapidly. We research new innovations and have experienced excellent results by applying carefully evaluated solutions to address individual needs with the latest technology.


Goals reached

Our personal approach to prosthetic care helped Bradley reach his goals and got him back on his feet.

's story

Prosthetic Components

Whether you are reading this from a hospital bed or seeking a better care experience, we are here to help.

Hope in the face of adversity

Regardless of your age or cause of amputation, new concerns and questions may be flooding your mind. We understand that the best way to cope with limb loss is to have your questions answered and rehabilitation goals set early. This is why Progressive takes an active approach to early prosthetic care by offering patients peer support and a relationship with their prosthetist that starts at the hospital bedside.

Our first step in prosthetic care often involves post operative treatment in the hospital as recommended by the managing physician. This typically involves the fitting of early application compression garments (also called "prosthetic shrinker") and semi-rigid protective splinting: also called "stump protector" or IPOP: immediate post operative prosthesis. Special concerns such as grafts, infection, and other health factors should be considered by your physician and our staff before we provide any of these services.

First steps

I thought that for the rest of my days I would be sitting on the side lines watching the world go by. Since I’ve gotten this prosthetic my life has changed immensely. There isn’t anything I can’t do.

Confident strides come with training. What starts with your first meeting with our staff will turn into a healthcare relationship that often lasts a lifetime. We first set goals with each individual patient and help you select the most compatible prosthetic system. While your prosthetist will oversee all of your prosthetic needs and perform prosthetic specific training, the physical therapy team will play an important part in your rehabilitation with strength, endurance, and range of motion training and exercise.

Getting back in routine

As you move forward with recovery and gain momentum, it is crucial to ensure that your prosthesis is customized for your occupation. Your situation needs the right solution—so you can regain your lifestyle. As a new amputee, your residual limb will continue the healing process internally for many weeks. This healing process involves the typical atrophy of some of the muscle tissue within your limb. This atrophy is in most cases a beneficial process as the muscles re-establish connection and strength. It is not linked to reduced strength and should not be a concern but will play a role in your early prosthetic fit.

Your first few months as an amputee will help you discern your specific needs and preferences in a prosthetic and will often involve the re-fitting of the "socket" or connection interface between your residual and the prosthetic as your limb changes shape.

Full healing, excelling in the activities you enjoy and developing confidence

As a you overcome limb loss you will develop a new and often stronger personal identity as well as a growing sense of accomplishment. True rehabilitation isn't confined to simply walking or returning to work. It comes with time and effort and involves both physical and emotional healing. Whatever your goals are, we are here to help you make it a reality in your life. The sky is the limit.

Call us today for a free consultation.(877) 663-7077